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The disco package is not about music, but about distribution comparison. This project contains the functions that accompany the book Comparing Distributions by Olivier Thas.

Book cover of Comparing Distributions

The package can be downloaded for Windows, Linux and Mac from R-Forge, or installed using the command: install.packages("disco", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")

The original package was called cd and can still be downloaded from here. As this package is designed for R 2.10, it is time to update the code to the new standards and update the help files for the different functions. This update is currently in progress. While we're at it, the functions are generalized and refactored in order to increase performance and make the interfaces more intuitive. This effort will result in a version 2.0 of the disco package, formerly known as cd.

The project summary page you can find here. If you have any questions regarding the project or the application of the functions, feel free to mail me at Joris.Meys@Ugent.be